We are proud to announce that Irish’s very own Sarah Sanchez has been nominated for Teacher Tuesday! We need your help to vote for her by using the following links:
Here are details about the program:
Teacher Tuesday – your opportunity to celebrate the very best that Northern Colorado has to offer.
Nominate your favorite educator and each month we will award one grand prize winner all of this great swag:
- $500 donation to the teacher’s school, provided by University of Northern Colorado
- Pizza for a year, provided by Old Chicago
- $50 gift card to either The Melting Pot, Rodizio Grill, or Union Bar and Soda Fountain in Fort Collins
- $10 gift card to The Human Bean
- BONUS: Every student in the teacher’s class gets a free game of bowling from Chipper’s Lanes
Each month, five runners-up will each receive a gift card to either The Melting Pot, Rodizio Grill, or Union Bar and Soda Fountain.
Read More: Teacher Tuesday - New Country 99.1 | https://newcountry991.com/tags/teacher-tuesday/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
¡Estamos orgullosos de anunciar que nuestra mismísima maestra, la Señora Sarah Sánchez de Irish, ¡Ha sido nominada para el “Martes de Maestros!” Necesitamos su ayuda para votar por ella usando los siguientes enlaces:
Estos son los detalles del programa:
Teacher Tuesday Martes de Maestro - Tu oportunidad de celebrar lo mejor que el Norte de Colorado tiene para ofrecer.
Nomine a su educador favorito y cada mes premiaremos a un ganador del gran premio con todo este gran botín:
- Donación de $ 500 a la escuela del maestro, proporcionada por University of Northern Colorado
- Pizza por un año, proporcionada por Old Chicago
- Tarjeta de regalo de $ 50 para The Melting Pot, Rodizio Grill, o Union Bar and Soda Fountain en Fort Collins
- Tarjeta de regalo de $ 10 para The Human Bean
- EXTRA: todos los alumnos del maestro reciben un juego de boliche gratis en Chipper’s Lanes
Cada mes, cinco finalistas recibirán, cada uno, una tarjeta de regalo para The Melting Pot, Rodizio Grill, o Union Bar and Soda Fountain.
Lee mas: Teacher Tuesday - New Country 99.1 | https://newcountry991.com/tags/teacher-tuesday/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral