Dear Irish families, friends, and community:
It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you all back to school this year. Without a doubt, the year 2020 has brought unprecedented challenges for all of us. The impending school year has brought with it some of those challenges, but with it, hope. The connection we have all been yearning for, the joy of learning and growing with one another, and the promise of new friends, colleagues, and opportunities follows each school year regardless of the phase we are in. I am always grateful for the close community of Irish Elementary Escuela Bilingüe that inspires, empowers, and delivers this hope and spark of greatness year after year.
This year, constant communication between school and home is going to be the more important than it has ever been. We will be updating families frequently on our learning pages, Facebook page, our new and improved website, and through phone calls and email. In addition, our parent organization, Padres en Acción meets monthly to plan and implement fundraising, support systems, and community events to further our connection as school community. Whatever your preferred method of communication is, please make it a priority with your family to check in with the school or with your child's teacher at least weekly. Knowledge is power, especially in uncertain times.
Thank you for your continued love and advocacy for our school, our staff, and our precious students. Our families, friends, and supportive community are the reason our students are going to change the world for the better. Together, all of us, we spark greatness.
Lindsey Mozer, Principal